A month has now passed since I arrived at the Maisha Mazuri Children Centre. Looking back on my arrival, I can only say that everyone including management, staff and children welcomed me warmly. Immediately on the second day after the introduction to the school, I visited part of the primary school in class with the …
2021-07: Eliane’s internship report
The past month has been an intense and exciting one. On June 16th I arrived at the Maisha Mazuri Children Centre. During my first days, Joseph, Mercy and I created a weekly schedule for me. So now, Monday and Thursday mornings, I help Frida with our preschoolers in kindergarten and after tea break, I help …
2021-03: Report from Lea and Viva
Due to the Corona pandemic, no interns were able to travel to Kenya for almost a year. The joy was even greater when they arrived in MCC mid-February. Viva was very warmly welcomed by the MCC family. Lea’s arrival was a great reunion, because she was already an intern at MCC last year, but had …