2024-07 internship report by Antonia and Rebekka

Four weeks have passed and so a third of our stay here at the Maisha Mazuri Children Centre is already over. Unbelievable how fast time flies. We are Antonia and Rebekka from Germany and have the honor of volunteering here in Kenya from July to September. We are 19 and 20 years old and together with Hand in Hand for Kenya we are fulfilling a long-awaited dream. After we both graduated from high school last year and wanted to get to know the world with its rough edges, we saw this project as an opportunity to do so.

For us, our adventure started on July 2nd, 2024. What we have experienced in past weeks cannot be put into words. Already on the first day we were welcomed with open arms and immediately felt like part of the MCC family.

Every day is different and so we can gain impressions and experiences in all areas of life of Kenyans.

The children were particularly happy when they received the letters from their sponsors after our arrival. Together or alone, these were then read. They were particularly impressed that some sponsors sent photos with their letter.

As the first major project series, we started “The Great Baking”. We divided the children into three groups and started with banana muffins. In the beginning, it was difficult for us to get a feeling for the amount of ingredients. After all, when do you ever bake for over 50 people? So one day before we stood at the weekly market in Tala and bought 29 bananas.  When we put the first ingredients with the crushed bananas in the bowl and now stirred with our hands, the joy was great and fun was pre-programmed.

The following weekend, it was the turn of the next group to show their baking skills. This time we dared to try chocolate cookies. During music and dancing, the dough was kneaded, rolled and shaped into cookies. Due to our exuberant atmosphere, some students from the secondary school kept us company. The end result was also impressive for this baking group.

The third and last baking group of our project series helped together to bake four marble cakes. New for the children was that the eggs for the dough had to be separated beforehand. Then we beat the egg whites until stiff. The consistency of the beaten egg whites first led to astonishment, which quickly turned into enthusiasm. Our four cakes were then decorated with chocolate and sprinkles. The children were particularly enthusiastic about licking out the leftover chocolate.

In view of the frequent lack of Wi-Fi connection and the different age groups, the Movie Night that took place at the weekend was a great challenge. To put an end to the age dilemma, we divided the children into two groups. So the younger ones now watch in the library and the slightly older ones in the dining hall. Of course, what cannot be missed when watching a film are the snacks that were created during the “Big Baking”.

To ensure that the creative arts are not neglected, an MCC family caterpillar was made from toilet paper rolls on a Sunday afternoon. Each child could immortalize themselves by name in the caterpillar’s feet. The result is now examined every day in the dining room. A week later we found our caterpillar somewhat demulated on the ground, as the double-sided tape did not hold as well as expected. That’s why we fixed it again and hope that it will last longer this time.

As a change from the daily ball sports in the MCC, we organized a run to the primary school. Highly motivated, we started our six-kilometer run. We ran across meadows, stones, a river and finally came back sweaty, happy and exhausted.

On Friday, 19.07.24 we had the opportunity to visit Hells Gate National Park and Lake Naivasha on our day off together with the geography class of the secondary school. We started early in the morning, but at that time we didn’t know that this day would be unforgettable! Not only did we learn a lot about the landscape, the animals and the plants, but we also had a lot of fun. Even zebras, giraffes, monkeys and hippos crossed our path. On the way home there was a huge traffic jam, which is why we didn’t come back for dinner as planned, but only the next morning.

In our first month at the MCC, a lot has already changed. So we replaced the old broken basketball net so that you can shoot a basket again. In addition, a third metal bench was placed at the edge of the football field. There was also a change in the area of personnel. There’s a new matron! Her name is Miriam, she is 22 years old and after she played soccer with the children on the first day, everyone immediately liked her. With their help and Teacher Béatrice, they learn in the evening and practice reading in the library. Even if the power fails again and we sit in the dark, that doesn’t stop anyone from practicing diligently.

We are pleased to announce that the sunflower project of Maria (former volunteer) will be continued diligently. Emma not only harvested a variety of sunflower seeds, but was also able to sow new flowers right away. We had the great honor to be able to help her.

On the Samba, too, everything is running as usual. Boniface can supply the kitchen with lots of Sinat, Skumawiki and even fresh fruits. Furthermore, he was pleased about a new water pipeline. Speaking of water: As a result of a burst pipe in the secondary school, we had no water for a short time, as the pipe system is the same.

A special highlight for the children was the Skills Center Graduation in Maala. Not only dances and songs were rehearsed, but also poems were written, which were then recited in front of the parents, the graduates and numerous visitors. One day earlier, the disappointment was great, as it was not possible to take all the children with us due to transport bottlenecks. In cooperation with Joseph and Michael, we were able to organize an additional trip and thus solve the problem.

We are very grateful for the first unique four weeks and look forward to the next two months!

Our sentence of the month: No Wi-Fi, no water, no power – NO PROBLEM! (Hakuna Matata)

Antonia and Rebekka

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